New Haven Reads is seeking volunteers to help tutor children in New Haven. Can you help? There are over 120 below grade-level readers on their waiting list, so they could really use the assistance.
Here is why:
Literacy tutoring helps build a community of readers and gives kids a leg-up in life. Without strong reading skills it’s hard to read street directions, hard to understand what quantities of medicines to take, hard to complete a job application, and as a parent it’s hard to help children with homework. Without a really strong foundation in reading as a child, it’s nearly impossible to function and hope to succeed as an adult. That adult is playing catch-up all the time and the demands of life and trying to make an adequate living will hamper the ability to learn to read better.
The excerpt below from the 2013 Workforce Collaborative Solutions of Metro Hartford worksheet, indicates this rather dire need to improve literacy rates in Connecticut. Low literacy rates affect our local economy and affect the quality of life for those with low literacy levels.
“Reports in Connecticut indicate that businesses across the state need workers with basic skills in reading and math, as well as transferable skills. These skills include problem-solving, team work, decision making, and specific occupational skills. Based on the status of adult literacy and education within the state, Connecticut employers feel that skills necessary for occupations within their field are not being met by the potential workforce. In the absence of workers with job-ready skills, positions go unfilled. Furthermore, small businesses, which drive our economy, cannot find the workers needed and do not have the resources to hire and train people to fill these positions.”
We want strong readers. We want people to succeed. So if you can help, even for just one hour a week, New Haven Reads or your local Literacy Volunteers would be very grateful indeed.