Book Voyagers / Chinese New Year
Book Voyagers / Chinese New Year
Celebrate the Chinese New Year with calligraphy! This workshop will...
The Yale Writers’ Workshop brings together the experience and expertise of leading teachers, authors, editors, agents and publishers in a series of panels and workshops, for the benefit of writers the world over. We offer two sessions on Yale’s historic campus that match the needs of any serious writer. Our faculty provides unique, tailored, and transformative experiences to all participants. Accomplished faculty teach workshops in fiction, nonfiction, memoir, historical fiction, children and young adult, and starting a novel. 2019 visiting writers include: Jill Lepore, Steve Almond and Maaze Mengiste, plus journal editors and agents. Full conference information and pricing online. Application deadline: March 15.
Please check the Yale Writers’ Workshop website for more details and future scheduled dates and times.