SUZANNE (SUZY) STAUBACH writes, pots and gardens in the rural northeastern hills of Connecticut. After a long career in independent bookselling, she has turned her attention full time to her own work. She writes and speaks about garden and ceramic history, and sells her handmade pottery nationwide.
Staubach was a bookseller for 34 years as the Manager and trade buyer for the UConn Co-op. She was one of the founding members of the Connecticut Children’s Book Fair, serving as co-chair. She served as President of the New England Booksellers Association, Vice President of the American Booksellers Association and Vice President of the American Booksellers Foundation for Freedom of Expression, and prior to that on the boards of all three. She also served on the Independent Booksellers Association Board. Through these associations, she knows many independent booksellers in the country. Staubach was on the Curbstone Board for 26 years and served as president of the Connecticut Center for the Book in its early years.
Clay: The History and Evolution of Humankind’s Relationship with Earth’s Most Primal Element
Guy Wolff: Master Potter in the Garden