Sonya Huber is the author of three books of creative nonfiction: Opa Nobody (2008), Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir (2010), and the essay collection Pain Woman Takes Your Keys: Essays on Pain and Imagination (forthcoming in 2017). Her other books include The Evolution of Hillary Rodham Clinton (2016) and a textbook, The Backwards Research Guide for Writers (2011). She has also published a short e-book, Two Eyes are Never Enough: A Minimum Wage Memoir, available through SheBooks. Her work has been published in The New York Times, Creative Nonfiction, Brevity, Fourth Genre, The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Washington Post Magazine, and other outlets. Her work appears in True Stories, Well Told: From the First 20 Years of Creative Nonfiction. She teaches at Fairfield University and directs Fairfield’s Low-Residency MFA Program.
Opa Nobody (2008)
Cover Me: A Health Insurance Memoir (2010)
The Evolution of Hillary Ridham Clinton (2016)