How to be Perfect: Discussion with Dr. Agnes B. Curry (in-person)
How to be Perfect: Discussion with Dr. Agnes B. Curry (in-person)
Join us for an in-person discussion of How to be Perfect;...
Poet Laureate – South Windsor
Charlie Margolis is a retired art teacher. He is Poet Laureate of South Windsor, CT and a member of the CT Coalition of Poets Laureate ( Mr. Margolis is author of the poetry book, Class Dismissed, A Teacher Says Goodbye. Charles is an interview and presentation coach who works with pageant contestants, political figures and job seekers. He is author of the book, “Did I Really Say That?” The Complete Pageant Interview Guide. He is Executive Director of Interview Image Associates, LLC (www.interviewimageassociates. com). Charlie was the committee chair for the South Windsor Voices, an anthology featuring the poems of South Windsor residents. He also chaired and contributed to South Windsor Voices 2: Thoughts of School; School of Thoughts, a book of short stories about school. He is the Chair of the South Windsor Human Relations Committee.
Class Dismissed, A Teacher Says Goodbye